Tuesday, 8 December 2015


I thought I would write about sth because it's let's say a "hot" topic of these days. No it's nothing dramatic. The post is goin' to be about christmas presents ! I think everybody likes it and think a lot abot what they gonna buy for their family and friends. I always try to think about presents as early as it's possible. I don't really like the option of buying presents at the last moment. I think it's kind of buying something accidental which for me is not good for a Christmas present. I always try to observe a person and  find out what she or he needs and what could be useful fo her or him. Of course it doesn't work every time, but if that method doesn't work I just watch things and try to find some inspiration. Thankfully I always find some idea. Recently I'm really fond of buying presents by internet. I must say this is really helpful for me in many ways. First of all I don't have to run blindly through hundreds of shops and finally come back home with empty hands. I just sit at home and quietly browse through pages with shops. Secondly I have more time to think if I'd like to buy product without any pressure. In shops it is sometimes really difficult when you are constantly being watched by a shopassitant. And finally I have a huuuge choice with variations of shops. I think everybody will find on Internet something appropriate.
Thanks for reading !


November, unpleasent weather, short days. The last thing you wish to have is an illness and to get stuck in your house to sink in a total sadness. But maybe it is something good about being ill ? Maybe it is possible to find some advantages of staying at home and to be cut off from the rest of the world. I had this experience recently. I was ill for a week and I was spending the whole days in my flat. I remember my first feeling when I fell sick, I was furious. I didn't really know what was worse, the fact that I felt very very bad ( I was really close to death) and couldn't do a lot of about it or the fact that I was stuck on my bed and I had to say goodbye to all of my plans for the weekend and for the following week. But after a day of anger and all-night sleeping I thought that it could be the nice change. First of all there is not a lot of opportunities in life to just stop caring and sleep for the half a day and rest. Secondly there is not a lot of opportunities to find the time and to do things which we never do when we daily run at Univeristy and keep concentrating on our duties. For example reading books, magazines and just slow down a bit. And finally there is not a lot of opportunities to just stop and think a bit about everything, have some reflexions, lay in a silence and concentrate on life, clean up the mind. I think it is really important in our life, but during our daily hustle we just forget about it. Maybe each of us should be ill sometimes ? (;
Thanks for reading !

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Comin' back!

So I'm comin' back to bloggin' ! In this first post I'd like to write a few words about an event in which I took part recently. It was last thursday, I came to Nowe Kino Pałacowe in Poznań to see the live broadcast of Hamlet from National Theatre in London. The title role is played by famous series actor Benedict Cumberbatch (BBC'S Sherlock). The production was broadcasted live to cinemas around the world ! It is the most famous Shakespeare's tragedy. I want to share with you my feelings. I didn't know what to expect by the play. I was really exicted because I've never seen any play from such a prestigious and well-known theatre. 

The whole play was in english of course. I must say it was sometimes really difficult to keep up with dialogues. But it was a real pleasure to hear british accent in actors' speech ! The stage design, costumes, special effects, everything was breathtaking and obviosuly for national theatre prepared with the best quality. The script was made in a modern way, for example actors were wearing modern costumes. I didn't see the whole play, it lasted about 4 heures, but even though I will remember a lot from it. It was really inspirational. I have to say that one of the best thing for me was the opprotunity to connect with the world by this broadcast and to kind of feel like you really are in the audience in the center of London. I think it's really valuable to take part in such event, I know that most people can't afford going to london and see the play in reality, but new technologies give us this opportunity to touch another world by broadcast and enter a diffrent world just for a moment and just for 20 złoty !

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Goodbye with Marie Antoinette

This is my last post on this blog. I want to say that sometimes it was really difficult to motivate myself to write sth down. But I'm really happy that I managed ! I think that had a good impact on my english. I recommend writing in a learning path, that really teaches a lot. In today's post, I decided to describe some movie which I saw yesterday. It's Marie Antoinette. The film made by Sofia Coppola.

I don't want to tell you the details of the movie, just describe my feelings. I really enjoyed the movie. First of all, I love the plot, I really enjoy watching movies about old times, about history. I love to find out how people used to live. I think the plot is very interesting because of being very dynamic.  You don't get bored at any moment. The movie isn't this kind of "museum" movie. Sofia Coppola added there for example modern music which gave an amazing effect ! The movie became more like of our time. I just love that connection (the same like in Great Gatsby >click). Thanks to that we can feel more like being next to Marie Antoinette and discover with her the history. The last thing I want to say about are the costumes. Marvellous ! Perfectly made, you didn't know on which to look at. Art on the highest level.

I really recommend the movie, it's really worth seeing. Portion of history which we can see in a really nice way :)

Thanks for reading !

Sunday, 31 May 2015



What feelings you have when you see the photo of the forest ? What feelings you have when you hear that word ? I think that most people would have the same answer. Calmness. 
I love forest. When I come back home I always try to find a moment to go there. (I'm lucky to live only 2 minutes from there) I love the sounds of forest, the view, the air. Every time of a day it looks perfect. Every season of the year it's filled with magic. This is amazing and I never have an idea why is that ! You go there and you just enter a diffrent world. You are a newcomer, you are under diffrent rules... Why does the forest is so important for us ? I often think about it and the only answer which comes to my mind is that this should be the call of our nature. Because indeed the forest is are real home. When we go there we kind of renovate us and charge our batteries. This is just inexplicable. But is there any element of nature we can explain ?
Thanks for reading :)


Recently, when I was reading one of my favourites blogs, I reminded myself of one place where I used to spend some time. I'm talking about dog-houses. The blogger has adopted the dog from there and she mentions about him in almost every post. She describes how they life changed from the moment she adopted him. I love to read that. It's a very beautiful example of how work of mercy could positively influence our life. She mentions her walks with the dog, her trips, his humours. She describes their collective life and their friendship. This dog is very lucky, in contrary to many others whose lives are still sad. I used to be a volunteer in a dog-house and I remember the pictures from there till today. I don't want to sound tragic, but sometimes condtitions of living are very hard there... Even with a big work of volunteer it's still a way without good prospects without money...
I think the dog-house get and get better because of great work of good people and I believe that one day dog-houses in Poland will look similar to these from richer countries. So, beside these, I really recommend you the adaption. Personally, if I plan to have a dog I will adopt it from the shelter as a good deed for world and for myself. Thanks for reading ! :)

Trains 2

The third complaint, crowded trains. This is the situation which I meet the most often. Espacially when there are a days like Christmas or Easter, the trains are … This is very uncomfortable and sometimes you think that a better idea woulld be to travel on the roof. But of course we can survive even if we are in these trains and we swear the whole world.

And my final complaint ! The heating. Yes ! In trains don’t exist this optimal level of heating, like 20 degrees. You have or Sahara desert or Arctic. I mean 30 or 10 degrees. This is tragedy, espacially on winter. During others seasons we can some way control it by for example opening the window. I sometimes try to control the system but I can’t really use this machine of control. 

I didn’t mean to point bad sites od travelling by trains. Even with these minuses I like travelling this way and I think that PKP really gets better. I’m optimist about it and believe that in 5 years will be having teh system od trains similar to trains in England or German. I think we are on a good way :))

Thanks for reading ! :)


How do you spend your time travelling by trains ? Do you enjoy it or is it a nightmare for  you? Personally, I like travelling this way. I do that quite often when I come back home from Poznań. Generally, I find these journeys enjoyable.

We can say a lot about polish trains. Unfortunetely, not good things. First of all, the conditions of trains. Am I the only person who thinks that they were produced in 1960 and have been travelling till these days ? Yes, they look bad, sometimes so bad that you start hesitating if it’s safe to come abroad. But things a bit changed I must say. On railway stations we can find now  more new trains which are very new-technlogy. I have had an occasion to travel by these and that was a real pleasure. 

Secondly, the hours of departs. Two days ago I met my friend on the railway station, she was travelling to Warsaw and had a break in Poznań. When she came back on a platform it turned out that her train had one hour of delay, which finally turned into 150 minutes ! That was owful. Does this situation ring a bell to you ? I had a lot of situation when trains are delayed, the worst thing is that you can’t do anything about it. You have to sit and wait for a bless from God. I know that we complain about it, I also do it, but sometimes I remind myself that these things happen, because sometimes we can’t predict some accident on the railways or some problems with weather.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Zespół pieśni i tańca Śląsk 2

Coming back to the topic. I told here the story to encourage you to find something out about polish culture. I'm sure that many other people think that folklore is not an interesting thing. That it's out of date and fit museum only. I'd like to draw your attention to how mistaken these opinions are. I think that folklore has a lot of things which are worth to discover. Music, dance and clothes, in my opinion are great and told us a lot about polish history, how people used to wear, how they used to spend their free time. It reminds polish people where do they come from and how do their ancestors looked like. It reminds of tradition.

The group Śląsk in my opinion is amazing and really worth seeing. The dance technique is on the highest level (no wonder, most dancers have graduated from ballet schools). The performance is wonderful. Costumes are prepared in every small detail, this is the art on the highest level. I have a great respect for Śląsk. So, I think, this is very sad that the tickets on their performance are gave out for free. With all this great preparation and great message, the message of polish culture and tradition the group definitely deserves for something more.
Thanks for reading !

Zespół pieśni i tańca Śląsk

I have no idea how to translate it into english. It will be probably something like "Song and dance group Śląsk", but I don't really know.  I don't want to zoom in the history of the group, I just want to share here my feelings about it. Last year, on june, my aunt received three tickets on a performance of Śląsk. She got it for free, and you know how you feel about things which you get for free, they should be kind of "not interesting" since nobody bought the tickets.

I have to be honest. I always like folk culture, music, clothes, I think this is very beautiful. But when I was thinking about dance group of folk, I was always perceived theme as amators who can follow only super easy steps, not really complex choreography and with not really good technique. Generally, they are mainly prepared to give a concert for country parties where people (I think) don't care so much about the quality of the performance. It should be nice, cheerful and colourful, and that satisfy theme enough. People in the city look for more 'entertaining' performance, mostly young people.

So having mixed feeling, I went on the concert, took my seat and was waiting for a group who's gonna be not really well-prepared, not really professional, just nice to look at, let's say. And after one hour I found out how wrong I had been ! The performance was amazing, I have to say, everything in it. Dancers, costumes, music, everything. I felled in love, totally. I came back home, and at once, I signed up for the workshops which are organised by Śląsk. By the way, ther're lovely as well. (Next part in the next post)

Saturday, 11 April 2015


Today I want to write a post about one of my favourite blog. It is Styledigger who's owner is Joanna Glogaza. At the beggining the blog took up the subject connected mainly with fashion. The blogger made outfits which she presented online and shortly describe theme. This kind of blogging is  nowadays very popular in Poland and in the world. When girls or boys promoted their sites very well they can profit from a big fame and even from the great amount of money. Coming back to Styledigger, the owner after two years of blogging decided to change a little bit the subject and started writing about other things which made the blog more kind of lifestyle.

Blog contains posts about travel, where the author tells readers about trips she took, she describes places, shows photos taken by herself and just encourage to go there(:

We can read there a lot of about new lifestyles which are called "slow life" and "slow fashion". The author is a big fan of these and she places a lot of  posts related to these topics. She focuses mainly on slow fashion, she talks about problem of massive production, bad quality of clothes and bad qualities of work people who works in a factory. She also gives a lot of life's advices, how to live happier, how to live calmer how to slow down and feel more relaxed in life.

The last thing I want to mention about is a selection of the most interesting things on internet called Hatifnaty which she uploades once a week or two weeks. I think this is great because me myself, I don't really like spending much time surfing on internet and looking for sth interesting. This is very tiring and I'm not patient for this. But on the other hand I always feel like I'm losing a lot because of it, and that on Internet I can find many surprising things and it's a pity to loose this occasion. So I always check this selection and feel satisfied and calm.

I really recommend this blog ! (;
(every photo goes from the blog styledigger)

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Fred Astaire

Hi! Today I'm going to tell you something about Fred Astaire. I'm not sure if he's well-known nowadays, but I think he's worth meeting. So let's start!

Fred Astaire was born in 1899 in Omaha. Fred began his adventure with a stage at age 7, when together with his sister Adele they started training at the Alviene Master School of the Theatre and Academy of Cultural Arts in New York City. Soon, they began to perform at a stage. They performed as a pair to 1932. They appeared many times at the stage of Broadway and the stage of London.

After Adele's leaving Fred started to build his own success. He's continuing to act at the Broadway's stage and start to consider many offers from Hollywood. His Hollywood debut was the successful musical film Dancing lady, where he appeard as himself dancing with Joan Crawford. After that he played roles in movies like Flying Down to Rio with Ginger Rogers, The Gay Divorcee, Swing Time, 
Shall We Dance which gave him the status of a star.

Fred Astaires is mostly known as an actor and dancer. His dance style is a combination of step, ballet and ballroom dancing. His very early practise helped him to be one of the best-known dancer in the history. His movement was very natural and comes to him without an effort. It was prized for its elegance, grace, originality, and precision. He took an inspiration from variety of influences, even black rhythms. Fred always prepared his choreography very precisely, he was practising for a long time, even a shorter act. He could retake the set even for 100 times to be satisfied with it. The most important for him was a technique of dance.

He was a great inspiration for a lot of noted dancers like Sammy Davis, Jr.Michael Jackson and Mikhail Baryshnikov. He is also remembered for his unique style. He's a remarkable artist. (check out his video click :))

Monday, 23 March 2015

Positive impact of dance

Hi ! Now something totally diffrent from the first post. I want to talk about DANCE.
So, mainly I want to focus on a positive impact which dance can provide. But I can share here also some of my experience.

I have been dancing for 6 years now and I have to say this is my big hobby. I love dancing, and I can't  exactly tell you why, it's some king of internal call which cause that I have to dance, I just need it :)
What does dance give me ? Firstly, it helps me to relax, I just switch off the mode 'thinking about life's matters' and change it to 'listen to music and rest' (sounds quite strange) I'm entering a new world which is filled with music. Secondly, feeling the music! A lot of people who practise dancing saying things like 'I love dancing because in that way I can show and express my emotions' Well, this is not my sense of feeling. When I say 'I feel the music' I really feel it! I forget about what emotions I express or what I look like, I'm just dancing and let my body forget about limits (perhaps I can say that emotion I show is pure happiness!) The third thing I love about dancing is that this is a discipline of sport, and I do like sport. I like moving, I can't sit in one place. I have to tire myself to be happier and dance is perfect to me in that way because it connects music, art and sport in one discipline (brilliant!)

So, coming back to the statement: Positive impact of dance. It is said that dance is very very very healthy for the whole body. Starts from the muscles, which we develop through dancing  (we are in a good shape, we are slim) and finish at our brain ! Yes, this is true, because when we're dancing we have to use our brain to remember a lot of steps which our sometimes very complicated. That's how we stimulate it and develop it ! It is said that dance prevents from fall ill on many diseases like for example Alzheimer disease ! And what is the most important, dance just make us happy :)


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Roman Polański

Hi! Till now I haven't found any interesting topic which I can show here so I decided to do some kind of warm-up and start up with post about Roman Polański, the great director, artist and a person.

Roman Polański was born in 18 August 1933 in Paris.

When he was 4 his parents ( both jewish) decided to come back to Kraków to protect the family from anti-Semitic moods which rised in Paris because of the fascism. Roman lived in Poland when the World War II began. He deeply experienced the Holocaust, he spent some time in the ghetto, next in the Auschwitz. He survived, but he had lost his mother and his family and life never look the same.

He attended National Film School in Łódź and he made progress very qucikly. Soon, still being a student, he directed his first great movie Knife in the water. He was very talented and always 
very interested in movies and acting.

He was married three times. Currently with Emmanuelle Seigner, a singer and actress, with whom he has two children. His most recognisable movies are The pianist, for which he won the Oscar for Directing, Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and Frantic.

Nowedays he lives in Paris with his wife and children and despite his age he still works and produces films. There is a gossip that he's going to direct a movie set in Kraków... We will see !

Roman Polański is such an interesting person and he had so many plots in his life that I should write a book to might say everything. Personally I think he's a great person, who experienced a lot in his life. I'm always impressed by him when I look what person he is and how much he achieved despite his past. I think that polish and Poland can be very proud of him. He's a star and legend in one person.

Thanks for reading !